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Boston & Suffolk County Criminal Attorney


American common law defines theft as the illegal taking of property from another person, or in the person's presence, by violence or intimidation. Massachusetts theft crime laws dictate different penalties depending on the value of the items in question. If you or your loved one has been accused of committing an act of theft in the Boston area, contact us immediately to consult with your Boston criminal defense attorney today.

An act of theft can concern:

Theft can usually be separated into two distinct categories: petty theft and grand theft. Petty theft of an item under $250 is typically a misdemeanor while theft of an item above that value will usually be considered a felony. The consequences for theft charges can range from simple fines to jail time. Probation is also a possible consequence for a theft charge. A theft charge can also ultimately result in personal life consequences like loss of future employment. It doesn’t matter if you are facing a misdemeanor or a felony theft charge, you will need an experienced Boston Criminal attorney to fight on your behalf.

Your Boston criminal defense attorney will navigate the various state and local legislation to get you the best outcome possible. Contact us today to begin the next stages of your case.